Monday, October 18, 2010

Tootsie Rolls and Idols

Years ago, I had the opportunity to visit a remote area of Guatemala known as Lake Atitlan. On the far side of the volcano-encompased lake is Santiago, an indigenous village where they speak the Mayan dialect Tzutujil. Santiago worships a patron saint known as Maximon, who is regarded as the saint of tobacco and sorcery. Once a year they parade their effigy of Maximon through the streets. The image is composed of fabric that is wrapped around an ancient Mayan idol. Think about it - - an item that is considered a sacred Christian image that actually is pagan at its core!

Many cling to a Christianity that is only superficial, but at its core is not Christianity at all. Just as unwrapping Maximon's many layers reveals a Mayan idol, this pseduo-Christianity must be unwrapped layer by layer so that its possessors may understand the emptiness of their religion so that they may exchange it for a relationship with Jesus Christ!

Our responsibility as believers is: 

1) to love others with the Christian life
2) model the Christian life with others
3) share the Gospel with others
4) pray that God would open their eyes

God is the one who breaks down strongholds, and He can use us to help unravel the worthlessness of false religion.

How many layers must be unraveled before a person sees the truth? The answer is the same as how many  licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop - - no one knows! But as we share the Gospel with others and love them, layer by layer God will dissolve their misconceptions and they will begin to understand that a relationship with Christ is what they need. Let's be consistent in persistent in our mission as believers!

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