Friday, October 29, 2010

The Christian’s Biggest Temptation

Perhaps what I'm going to say in this article is not the BIGGEST temptation for a Christian, but who would read a note with a title "One of the Top Eight to Twelve Temptations for a Christian in"?

This year, I've continued to learn to wait upon the LORD because His timing is perfect! One of our biggest temptations as believers is to try to manipulate situations in order to bring about what we perceive to be God's will. This, however, is wrong!

Since God is sovereign, He is completely control of every situation, and we must learn to wait on His will as well as His perfect timing. Joseph never would have been ready to be second in command of Egypt when he first came to the country - - years of servitude in Potiphar's house and slavery in a dungeon taught him the skills that he needed to run a country. Moses spent forty years herding livestock in the very desert in which he would lead the people of Israel - - his experience during those four decades was invaluable to the task that God had set before him. David learned to shepherd sheep before he shepherded a kingdom. God uses the situations of our past to prepare us for serving Him in the present, and what we saw as our greatest periods of suffering actually was our greatest periods of spiritual training.

Here are some suggestions, in no particular order, for serving Christ:

1. No matter how lowly you think the task is, do it with all of your strength for the glory of God!
2. God knows where you are - - He hasn't forgotten your address and will exalt you in due time according to the plan that He has for your life!
3. Make sure that you are sure of God's will before you change a job, ministry position, etc. Stay where you are until God's direction is clear!
4. Don't live in the past or the future - - the present is the only time that we have to serve the LORD.
5. Live each day as if it were your last day to serve God - - no one is promised another day!

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: Realize that Christ is ALL that you need! When we look for joy or happiness in situations or other people, we will never find it.


  1. I was encouraged by this today. Thanks for sharing. I'm so glad you're blogging!

  2. Thank you! I'm glad that you were encouraged!
