Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Carl Essmyer

One of the godliest men that I ever have had the privilege to meet is Carl Essmyer. I can make this statement without reservation because I’ve literally known him all of my life. Carl is a member of Breton Creek Baptist Church in Potosi, Missouri, the church where I grew up. There are at least three reasons why Carl is such a blessing:

1) Carl loves the Lord. It is impossible to be around him for any amount of time without learning about his commitment to Jesus Christ. His love for God is evident and his joy is infectious!

2) Carl is a consistent Christian. The Carl that one sees at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday morning is the same Carl every other minute of the week. He truly is a 24/7 Christian who understands that following Jesus is not a shallow commitment or a “get out of Hell free” card, but a matter of trusting Jesus as the Lord (Boss) of our lives.

3) Carl believes the Bible. He understands that every word is inspired by God, and he has faithfully taught it for years. The reason why Carl understands Scripture so well is because he reads it so often and walks closely with its Author.

If there were such a thing as a modern “Hall of Faith” Carl would be a member, and I’m thankful to count him as one of my most influential mentors!

1 comment:

  1. As Bro. Carl's pastor for the past near-seven years, I can confirm that everything that Dr. Akers has written about him is indeed true. Bro. Carl is a humble man that his well-versed in the scriptures, and well applies those scriptures to his life. He is truly a good and faithful servant of God, and one that will doubtlessly hear with great joy the words "Well done" on that day that he stands before his Lord and Master.

    Don Burke
