Monday, December 20, 2010

Romans 12:2: Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind (Part 1)

            When I placed my faith in Christ at the age of twelve, I experienced a peace that truly passes all understanding. I rightfully realized that true joy was mine to cherish because of my new relationship with the Lord, but I misunderstood the nature of the Christian life. I reasoned that because now I was a follower of Christ that I would no longer need to worry about problems or temptations. How mistaken I was!
            Jesus described salvation as a new birth (John 3:7). This imagery indicates that the believer is not fully developed at the moment of regeneration, but must grow and mature spiritually. The New Testament refers to this development as sanctification, a process by which followers of Jesus progressively become more like Him as they continue to walk with Him. Paul addressed the passage at hand to his spiritual brothers (Rom. 12:1), so Romans 12:2b explains what must occur for a Christian to continue in his or her sanctification. Tomorrow, we will looking at the meaning of the word "transformed" in Romans 12:2.

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