Thursday, February 10, 2011

Say "Snow" to Temptation!

As I write, the city of Memphis is buried under several inches of snow in what has turned into one of the worst storms in years. Because I'm from Missouri, I love the stuff! There is nothing more fun on a brisk, wintry day than to throw snowballs and to build snowmen with the family. Unfortunately, we usually don't have enough of the frozen stuff to construct my favorite snow structure, the igloo!

We were careful to get all of our supplies before the snow began to fall because the weather is particularly tricky. Under the glistening, pristine snow on the roads is a layer of dangerous, slushy ice that no one can see. This hidden hazard is sure to cause slippery travel for unsuspecting drivers who will not know that they are in trouble until it is too late.

Here is our application: temptation causes sin to look enticing and harmless, but sin contains numerous hidden dangers that are not easy to observe until we are neck deep in iniquity. One of the main reasons why God's Word contains so many "thou shalt not" commands is to protect us from these dangers. So when it comes to temptation, make like Joseph and flee from its presence! 

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