Regarding salvation, when a person truly begins to understand that eternal life is a relationship with Christ rather than religion or a works-based accomplishment, it does not mean that he or she necessarily will reject sin and trust in Jesus as Lord. Many simply are unwilling to count the cost and trust completely in Christ. Often, they are reluctant to separate themselves from their transgressions. Ministers to Hispanics must not compromise Scripture in order to receive half-hearted professions of faith that are not authentic, but firmly teach Jesus’ message to His disciples: "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me” (Matt. 16:24).
Because the majority of Hispanics were sprinkled as infants, frequently new believers have trouble understanding why they must be immersed after their conversion. Others mistakenly think that a baptized believer must be perfect and fear that they can never live up to God’s expectations. For this reason, many parents actively discourage their saved children not to be immersed because “baptism is not a game and you should not play with God.” As Spanish speakers become followers of Christ, the minister to Hispanics expeditiously must address the Bible’s teachings concerning the issue of baptism so as to avoid confusion and to counteract misguided reluctance.
A significant percentage of Hispanics do not marry, but rather live in what is known as a unión libre (“free union”). In this type of relationship, the man and woman reside together as long as they both desire to do so, but go their separate ways when either grows tired of the partnership. To complicate matters, participants of the unión libre often refer to themselves as husband and wife although it is untrue. Men sometimes take advantage of this situation by affiliating themselves with more than one female, siring children with all of their girlfriends and maintaining them in separate homes. Oddly, the women tend to be angry with each other instead of holding responsible the unfaithful man!
Because there may be little understanding of biblical marriage, the minister to Hispanics must educate the people regarding the Bible’s teachings. Often, an extended period of time will elapse before hearers fully comprehend the message. One also must note that comprehension does not guarantee compliance. Not long ago, a Hispanic congregant expressed to me that if only Nueva Vida would permit those new believers who live in a unión libre model to receive baptism, perhaps they would be encourage to follow the biblical path and marry. The truth of the matter is that a non-member who is reluctant to obey God certainly will be no more motivated to do so after immersion.
Everyone who commits to minister to Hispanics inevitably will encounter the marriage issue. Rather than growing discouraged, one should pray on a regular basis for those who fail to embrace God’s matrimonial standard. Only His Holy Spirit possesses the ability to illumine hearts in such a way that individuals reject centuries of misunderstandings concerning marriage.